Thursday, April 10, 2014

T'was a late night in April when the winds were strong and the aroma of the fresh blooms of spring were bold in the air a photographer by the name of Edwin sat in his small studio listening intently to late night radio while developing his latest batch of  mundane film. A newsflash interrupted regular programming "This just in! The Starlet phenomenon of The Kiss or Kill has fled the town! They are on the search for bigger better things!" 

Photographer Edwin instantly realized the red lipped, black dressed clad duo was exactly what he needed to defeat his everlasting artist block. He stood up, packed his belongings and set out on his quest for The Kiss or Kill. After all he knew exactly where to find them...

In the depths of the From Years Before Forrest where few dared to enter and where The Kiss or Kill often did haunt, he sought for any trace of the girls or where they may have gone.

He found a vintage camera hoping it belonged to the girls.

He thought to develop the film and see what wonders it might hold.

Just as he suspected, the negatives proved to be that of The Kiss or Kill!

He tried to inspect them with his naked eye, but he knew to truly find The Kiss or Kill he needed to look deeper into the details...

So he developed the prints for further analysis.

Though the prints dazzled him and he felt his artist block starting to fade... 

He felt inspired and curious to find more of what The Kiss or Kill was hiding...

He followed the sweet sent of vanilla lace to what seemed to be The Kiss or Kill abandoned work shop.

He examined each odd configuration.

A hand made bow and arrow...

Journals depicting the plans for each new look...

A turn table for musical inspiration...

It all was starting to piece together in his mind.

He began to look around when he saw something peculiar in the distance...

To his amazement.... he discovered a pocket watch caught in a tree branch, gleaming in the sunlight.
He recognized it from a print he had inspected

Delighted by his discovery, he photographed the trinket

and put it away for safe keeping.

Looking over all of his discoveries
he pondered all of the possibilities

Wherever could The Kiss or Kill be?

It came to him in deep thought...

If they had found such great success here...

There was only one place they could go for even greater success..

The outskirts of LA county couldn't contain their creative minds forever...

The fire was too strong...

Along with The Kiss or Kill creative fire, Photographer Edwin's curiosity was now a blaze.

He needed to find them to snuff his creative block forever..

He gathered his things and set out for the only other city the he knew the girls could belong in:


To be continued...

Thank you so much to our first ever male model Tyler Edwards for braving this journey with us!
We hope you all enjoy our new take on fashion and make up blogging!
Don't forget to give us a follow on 
Instagram: @thekissorkill
Facebook: The Kiss or Kill
Samantha & Veronica

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